Tuition and Fees

TUITION AND FEES Tuition is calculated by hours of classes a student takes each week and is due on a monthly basis by the tenth of each month. Siblings enrolled will receive $15 off their monthly tuition.

Hours per week Tuition
45 min - 1 $50.00
1.5 $65.00
2 - 2.5 $80.00
3 - 3.5 $90.00
4 - 5 $105.00

YEARLY EXPENSES Costumes (per class taken): Costumes are ordered in December. Therefore, nonrefundable costume payments are required. Deposit - $80 (due in October) Balance- $80 (due in November) No costumes will be ordered until balance is paid in full!

Recital Fee: A recital fee of $150 per family is due in February. This fee helps with recital costs such as theater rental, props, lighting, audio equipment and technical operations..

Other fees: A $10 late fee will be added to accounts not paid in full by the 10th of each month. A $25 NSF charge on any returned checks.

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